The Forager's Path - School of Botanical Studies

Benefits of a Land Assessment

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Due to the current health situation in our communities, many people are wondering which plants on their property are edible or may have therapeutic properties.

One of the services I offer to the larger community is a Land Assessment. This is a consultation that functions as a personal plant walk on your property whether it is a suburban backyard or extensive acreage.

Together, we go over your property and discuss uses for the wide range of plants we find. In addition, recommendations can be given for landscaping with edible and medicinal plants.

Information covered includes: botanical name, which part to harvest, how and when to harvest, ways to process, dry and prepare the plant and its traditional uses, whether for food or to promote health.

Recently I have done land assessments for a residential lot that was on the edge of a neighborhood at 5,000’ and a larger land area of several hundred acres that included creek-front property and a riparian habitat. Both families were surprised by the potential food and herbal plants found literally out their backdoors.

Photography by the landowner is encouraged during the Assessment. A written record of the plants and information resources is provided as a follow-up to the Assessment.

Anyone interested in learning how to be more self-sufficient is encouraged to contact me at

Safe social distancing is easily maintained during this process as we are outdoors and in a very small group – no more than 2-3 people.

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