The Forager's Path - School of Botanical Studies

Category Archives: Health Topics

It’s Alterative, NOT Alternative!

This category includes herbs that are well known and frequently used in Western Herbalism. The definition of this category is poorly understood. These herbs are often misused because the energetics are ignored. These herbs are often grouped under the vague terms of Detox or Blood Cleanser. What They Are Herbs that support and open the… Continue >>>

Immune Tonics for Winter

Immune Tonics for Winter

Many people are interested in herbal help during the cold and flu season. Some plants, such as echinacea, garlic and elder, are well known. These are most useful during the acute phase; to be used once a person is beginning to feel under the weather. Not as well known are the Immune Tonics. These are… Continue >>>

Sources for Fresh Herbs or Fresh Plant Extracts

For the Community Herbalist, acquiring dried plants is a straightforward process in the current herb market. Dried herbs are widely and easily available from many retail stores and online distributors. Plants that are best processed and/or used fresh can be more challenging to find. In the modern world of everything being instantly available 24/7, the… Continue >>>

Understanding the Role of Endocrine Disruptors for Men’s and Women’s Reproductive Health

Endocrine Disruptors: What are They? Chemicals that can increase and decrease the production of hormones in our body by disrupting the normal functioning of the endocrine glands. They especially affect estrogen, androgen and thyroid hormones. This throws many organ systems out of balance. This term is often used interchangeably with Xeno-estrogen or Xeno-hormones. This is… Continue >>>

Herbal Support of the Nervous System in Chronic Disease

It is well known that being stressed causes dis-ease. But the fact that disease causes stress is often overlooked. This is why supporting the nervous system is helpful in many (most, all?) health conditions even if the Chief Complaint is not directly related to nerves. The engagement of the nervous system in long term health… Continue >>>

Pregnancy and Parenting Resources

This article provides resources for promoting health-balance-support during the pregnancy, birth and nursing stages of life for the baby, mother and father/co-parent. It is most definitely *not* meant as a complete substitute for healthcare from a certified medical provider. One of my mentors, Dr Aviva Romm, says it best – “When in doubt, check it… Continue >>>

Comfrey & Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids

Comfrey & Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids

Safety issues connected to the internal use of various Comfrey (Symphytum officinale, S. uplandicum x) species have been a controversial topic since I became active in the herb community in the early 1990s. Many presentations in articles, blogs, classes and conferences prefer to address the therapeutic benefits of this plant and avoid directly giving information… Continue >>>

Latest Courses

2025 Rocky Mountain Field Study

2025 Rocky Mountain Field Study

This trip is an optional field study opportunity for students enrolled in the Family Herbalist Program. Other herbal friends may be joining us. Photos from previous trips can be seen on Facebook here. Students are responsible for food, lodging (camping, Air B&B, hotel) and transportation. The dates for the 2025 program are July 13-17. Day… Continue >>>

2025 Family Herbalist Program

2025 Family Herbalist Program

Choosing the path of herbal medicine can be a life-changing event. It was for me in 1990 when I made the decision to begin studying and using herbal medicine as a primary form of personal healthcare. It was in the mid 1990s when I was accepted into the Clinical Herbalist program with Dr. Tieraona LowDog… Continue >>>

Educational Resources

It’s Alterative, NOT Alternative!

This category includes herbs that are well known and frequently used in Western Herbalism. The definition of this category is poorly understood. These herbs are often misused because the energetics are ignored. These herbs are often grouped under the vague terms of Detox or Blood Cleanser. What They Are Herbs that support and open the… Continue >>>

Becoming a Clinical Herbalist

This program on these dates is currently full and registration is closed.
 If you would like to be part of the next session for this course, send an email with your contact info to   How does an herbalist take all the information gathered from one’s own experience + readings, classes, workshops, conferences, round… Continue >>>

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