The Forager's Path - School of Botanical Studies

Category Archives: Educational Resources

Tincture Making: Macerations

Tinctures can also be called : Alcohol-Water Extractions or Hydro-Ethanol Extracts Vocabulary1. Menstruum – any fluid used to extract therapeutic properties from plants. Usually a water-alcohol mix.2. Marc – the herb being extracted3. Maceration – the soaking of the marc in the menstruum. The final product will be a mixture of water and alcohol. This… Continue >>>

Client Compliance When Using Herbs

One of the key challenges in the successful use of herbs is actually ingesting the plant preparation, known as compliance. This is a basic issue and one that often gets overlooked. Regardless of the quality of the herb or the herbal tradition from which it is given, herbal medicine will not be successful if the… Continue >>>

Yarrow in Herb Formulas

Yarrow in Herb Formulas

This page shares formulas using Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). These formulas are always meant to be used in context with a person making necessary lifestyle and diet changes. Classic Herb Triplet for Influenza FeversUse equal parts Yarrow, Elder Flower and PeppermintMake as a cup of hot tea and sip as hot as is comfortableCan be combined… Continue >>>

Immune Tonics for Winter

Immune Tonics for Winter

Many people are interested in herbal help during the cold and flu season. Some plants, such as echinacea, garlic and elder, are well known. These are most useful during the acute phase; to be used once a person is beginning to feel under the weather. Not as well known are the Immune Tonics. These are… Continue >>>

Wild Greens for Better Nutrition

Discovering Wild Greens for Better Nutrition is a free webinar that teaches people how to use seven wild plants that are commonly found throughout the American Southwest, North America and around the world. There is no charge for this webinarDuring these challenging times, it is an offering to the larger community in the hopes that… Continue >>>

Latest Courses

2025 Rocky Mountain Field Study

2025 Rocky Mountain Field Study

This trip is an optional field study opportunity for students enrolled in the Family Herbalist Program. Other herbal friends may be joining us. Photos from previous trips can be seen on Facebook here. Students are responsible for food, lodging (camping, Air B&B, hotel) and transportation. The dates for the 2025 program are July 13-17. Day… Continue >>>

2025 Family Herbalist Program

2025 Family Herbalist Program

Choosing the path of herbal medicine can be a life-changing event. It was for me in 1990 when I made the decision to begin studying and using herbal medicine as a primary form of personal healthcare. It was in the mid 1990s when I was accepted into the Clinical Herbalist program with Dr. Tieraona LowDog… Continue >>>

Educational Resources

It’s Alterative, NOT Alternative!

This category includes herbs that are well known and frequently used in Western Herbalism. The definition of this category is poorly understood. These herbs are often misused because the energetics are ignored. These herbs are often grouped under the vague terms of Detox or Blood Cleanser. What They Are Herbs that support and open the… Continue >>>

Becoming a Clinical Herbalist

This program on these dates is currently full and registration is closed.
 If you would like to be part of the next session for this course, send an email with your contact info to   How does an herbalist take all the information gathered from one’s own experience + readings, classes, workshops, conferences, round… Continue >>>

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