The Forager's Path - School of Botanical Studies

Category Archives: Plant Chemistry

Resources for Therapeutic Mushrooms

Resources for Therapeutic Mushrooms

There are many mushrooms used therapeutically in the herb community with Reishi (Ganoderma spp.) being the the best known. One of the challenges to effectively using these gifts from the fungal world is knowing how to process them. While plants have cellulose, mushrooms have chitin. This substance is extremely hard and makes extraction difficult. The… Continue >>>

Photo-Toxic Essential Oils

Some essential oils contain furanocoumarins. These organic chemical compounds can cause phyto-photo-dermatitis, which is the skin’s hypersensitivity to the UV rays of sunlight. Possible skin reactions include stinging, itching, blisters and burning. When using essential oils on the skin, it is important to either avoid using furanocoumarin oils or avoid exposure to the sun for… Continue >>>

Comfrey & Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids

Comfrey & Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids

Safety issues connected to the internal use of various Comfrey (Symphytum officinale, S. uplandicum x) species have been a controversial topic since I became active in the herb community in the early 1990s. Many presentations in articles, blogs, classes and conferences prefer to address the therapeutic benefits of this plant and avoid directly giving information… Continue >>>

Demulcent Herbs: Action & Energy

Demulcent Herbs: Action & Energy

Demulcent (internal) or Emollient (external) Moistens tissues, soothes inflammation Energy is moistening  and usually cooling Works systemically, does not need to come in contact with a particular surface, such as the lungs or bladder Many contain mucilage, has a slimy, viscous feel Will loosen and relax tissues that are tense due to dryness Uses Dryness… Continue >>>

How to Make Pine Resin Salve

How to Make Pine Resin Salve

Salve made from the resin of our native pinon pine tree (Pinus edulis) has an exquisite aroma and is useful as a topical anti-microbial. While the final product is popular these days, the processing of tree resin into a finished product is a bit different than the standard salve making process. It seems like each… Continue >>>

Plant Metabolites & Herbal Medicine

Plant Metabolites & Herbal Medicine

A recurring question when studying herbal medicine is how and why plants have a beneficial affect on people’s health. The answer to this question varies by the cultural filter through which the plant world is viewed. One view that has helped my understanding of herbal medicine is the subject of Plant Metabolites. Nature does not… Continue >>>

Latest Courses

2025 Rocky Mountain Field Study

2025 Rocky Mountain Field Study

This trip is an optional field study opportunity for students enrolled in the Family Herbalist Program. Other herbal friends may be joining us. Photos from previous trips can be seen on Facebook here. Students are responsible for food, lodging (camping, Air B&B, hotel) and transportation. The dates for the 2025 program are July 13-17. Day… Continue >>>

2025 Family Herbalist Program

2025 Family Herbalist Program

Choosing the path of herbal medicine can be a life-changing event. It was for me in 1990 when I made the decision to begin studying and using herbal medicine as a primary form of personal healthcare. It was in the mid 1990s when I was accepted into the Clinical Herbalist program with Dr. Tieraona LowDog… Continue >>>

Educational Resources

It’s Alterative, NOT Alternative!

This category includes herbs that are well known and frequently used in Western Herbalism. The definition of this category is poorly understood. These herbs are often misused because the energetics are ignored. These herbs are often grouped under the vague terms of Detox or Blood Cleanser. What They Are Herbs that support and open the… Continue >>>

Becoming a Clinical Herbalist

This program on these dates is currently full and registration is closed.
 If you would like to be part of the next session for this course, send an email with your contact info to   How does an herbalist take all the information gathered from one’s own experience + readings, classes, workshops, conferences, round… Continue >>>

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