These links have been gathered to assist people in accessing more information on a variety of topics related to the Cardiovascular Health class that is part of the Advanced Topics in Herbal Medicine program.
1. A heart health-based E book from the blog of Chris Kresser. This is one of the better health blogs out there. It is not specifically geared to herbal medicine but gives quality heart-based information in many areas including saturated fat, cholesterol, low fat, metabolic syndrome and chronic inflammation.
2. Good heart healthy info from Rosalee. She has one of the best herb-based blogs and this link includes heart-oriented information on antioxidants, carbohydrates, saturated fat and vegetable oil among other topics.
3. This link addresses the connection between Vitamin D, diabetes and the cardiovascular system.
4. The author of this blog, Karen Vaughn, has a strong background in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This link addresses the role of herbs for high blood pressure (hypertension).
5. Always a trusted resource, Paul Bergner shares his views on herbal protocol for hypertension
6. This link explains the many ways saturated fat is essential for our overall health – the link also addresses heart health specifically.
*Note – this link refers to an all meat diet. I am not promoting this type of diet. The link is included because of the information shared on the benefits of saturated fat.
7. A long, thorough and completely worthwhile article laying out the overview of heart disease in its many forms. If you only read one of these links, choose this one.
8. For the hardcore researchers, this link shares the connection between cortisol (the stress hormone) and elevated blood pressure.
9. This link explains in laypeople’s terms the connection between stress – cortisol – vascular tone – hypertension. This is one reason why stress is bad for our heart. Short and well written.
10. The helpful link shares the Ayurvedic view of heart care with an emphasis on health rather than disease. Written for people who may have just an introductory exposure to Ayurveda, it is clearly explained yet goes into enough depth and detail to be useful for the practicing herbalist. Includes perspectives on Pranayama, Yoga, Ojas, Srotamsi, Nadis, Doshas, Prana, Chakras, Ama, Agni, Turmeric and the primary heart tonic in Ayurveda, Arjuna.
These are brief 3 minute clips that give a visual perspective on something unseen with the naked eye.
*An overview of the workings of the heart organ
*Fascinating details of our arteries, veins and capillaries and their role in sustaining life
*Great visuals on the main cause of heart disease – atherosclerosis
* What happens during a heart attack