The Forager's Path - School of Botanical Studies

Is There Homework?

A common question from people interested in longer herb programs relates to homework.

The question is simple: Is there homework and how much?

The answer is both Yes and No.

Yes – there is homework in the sense that people are expected to use herbs on a regular basis and apply the new skills, ideas and information presented at each gathering. This may mean drinking an herb tea, making an herbal honey, preparing and using a tincture or wildcrafting a newly learned plant. All these activities are relevant and common every day experiences for a Community Herbalist.

This is part of being an active learner, using direct experience and being hands-on. If the only herbal experience one has is sitting in class listening to a lecture, very little will be learned. Our time together is thought of as a jumping off point for what you do on your own time.
This is integral to becoming a Community Herbalist.

Our monthly weekends are full of new information. Students return home on Sunday afternoon with a stack of class notes and their minds brimming with new ideas for better health. The time at home between class meetings is meant as a time to reflect, ponder, experiment and apply what was presented in class.

No – there is no homework in the traditional sense: the instructor gives you a formal assignment, you go home and compete the task which is then graded. This type of homework is done more for the instructor and not so much for the student. I find this type of assignment to be less helpful.

Hopefully, you work with the plants outside our monthly meetings and view this time as an opportunity to grow, learn and develop new skills and follow your passion.

An essential component of the longer programs is access to the instructor (that’s me!) during the weeks between meetings.
Are you stuck on a medicine making method?
Is there a theme or concept from our group time together that isn’t fully understood?
I am available by email as needed.
There are not formal times for this contact.
It is up to the individual student to decide if and when to contact me for outside help.

Remember: Herbal Medicine must also be practiced, not simply studied.
The first is real life application and is in the heart.
The second is academic and is in the head.





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