The Forager's Path - School of Botanical Studies

Understanding Leaky Gut Syndrome

In recent years, the issue of intestinal inflammation, commonly known as Leaky Gut Syndrome, has become a topic of much discussion and some controversy.     

"Calendula officinalis" "skin care" lotion salve
Calendula is one of the primary gut healing herbs used for intestinal inflammation.

The protocol for Leaky Gut Syndrome is addressed in detail in our Advanced Topics in Herbal Medicine program. The following links have been gathered to support the information shared in class. These links include views from Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, mainstream western medicine and traditional western herbalism.

Our hope is you will find these helpful in your ongoing work towards greater health and becoming a more skilled herbalist.

An in depth article on this topic from the TCM viewpoint by Jake Fratkin:

The perspective of a progressive MD, Dr Aviva Romm:

From Paul Bergner:

From Karen Vaughan:

 A biological explanation for gluten sensitivity from the Science Daily website:

Two articles by Chris Kresser:

 A comprehensive list of gluten-free foods plus several other celiac and guten related articles:
Note – this information is relevant for anyone who is avoiding gluten regardless of a celiac diagnosis.


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